Check this page often for information updates and other items that Neighborhood Kids Preschoool parents need. 

To request more information about our preschool in Sunrise, Florida, give us a call at 954-748-4409.


Our educational philosophy is to foster competence in children. Blocks, art, library, dramatic play, science, math and language areas are all equipped with activities designed for "purposeful play." This environment allows stimulating activities that promote problem-solving skills as well as academic readiness.


Each week a specific skill is introduced or reinforced. Our children are tested upon entering kindergarten, and the cumulative results are posted on the internet site It is very important to us that all of our children master the skills that build the basis for primary school learning. 

ABC Mouse

Every Neighborhood Kids Preschool student is provided with an individual account for

The Parents' Responsibility

It is imperative to your child's success that we develop a relationship with our families. Open lines of communication and
respect for each of our roles in the life of your child will help your child reach his full potential.

Some requirements for parents include ...

*Make sure all forms are filled out accurately and updated as changes occur
*Sign in and out daily with appropriate methods
*Children should always have a change of clothing in their cubby
*Notify the school if your child will be absent
*Keep us informed of any illness your child is experiencing
*Keep an ill child at home
*Dress your child for the weather
*Explain to your child that personal toys should be left at home or in your car
*Inform your child's teacher and/or management of any changes which may affect your child's behavior
*Read school notices-including bulletin boards and monthly newsletter
*Sign your child up for lunch weekly :if you want your child to use our lunch program

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