During their first 6 to 12 months of life, your child's intellectual capability restricts them to focusing on what is right in front of them. During this period of infant development, they address what they can see. Their environment is what is immediately right in front of them. It may appear that all they want to do is shake, suck, or bang the things in this immediate world.
However, to the trained educator, they are in a vital experimental stage. They are learning to fulfill their need for pleasure by testing sounds, sights and actions that make them happy. If you've ever wondered why a child will gravitate to a set of old pots and pans, foregoing a fancy new toy, this is one of the reasons for this behavior.
Children during infancy begin to slowly appreciate that these fun things still exist even though they can't seem them anymore. This is known as object permanence, and as simple as it might seem, is the initiation of your child learning to use their memory. There are different methods of helping children establish the essential skills they need to learn during this stage.
Children can benefit from a preschool environment that includes programs for infants. By employing the expertise of educated childcare workers, these children are provided with helpful learning experiences each day. While working with your children at home is rewarding, including a strong preschool environment during infancy will be a huge boost to this important period in their life.
Have you ever heard children ramble in what appears to be an illogical manner? Don't worry, there isn't anything wrong with your child, it's a normal part of the second phase in their cognitive development. Children between the ages of two and four are learning how to process information in a logical way, but they have yet to refine these intellectual tools.
While this stage continues through the early years of elementary school, much of the foundation is established before they turn 4-years old. As they begin to expand their memory capabilities, they appreciate the difference between the past, the present, and the future. This process is actually the underlying principle of why children get such enjoyment out of engaging in fantasy play.
As their ability and desire to express themselves with language improves, they enjoy telling anyone about what they perceive as exceptionally unbelievable experiences. Giving your child a chance for social exposure in outside environments is very helpful in this critical stage of social maturity. It is virtually impossible to accomplish it without exposure to the outside world.
While placing your kids in the care of a babysitter with other children might help a little with social exposure, it cannot compare to the rewards that a child gains from daily inclusion as part of a preschool family. You wouldn't send your child to a school that did not employ certified educators. So, why would you handover these important years haphazardly?
Likewise, if you want to give your child a chance to grow in a preschool setting, you need to follow the same thinking. Connecting with a preschool setting that employs certified preschool workers is really the only wise option. Your child will establish social skills and gain valuable lessons to help them grow.
The best way to guarantee a secure and nurturing learning experience is to use only an accredited preschool. In Sunrise, Florida,
Neighborhood Kids Preschool has four accredited preschool locations near Fort Lauderdale. Each day at Neighborhood Kids, your child will experience a structured learning environment that they perceive as
fun time.
You can do a lot at home to help foster your child's early development. However, adding a team of experts will help your child gain an advantage as they mature and prepare for their all-important school years. An accredited preschool, with a knowledgeable staff, can be more than just a place for children to go while you're at work. It can be a place to build a foundation of learning for their life.